'R hwn sy'n gyrru'r mellt i hedeg
'Rhwn sy'n peri'r mellt i hedeg

(Gweddi am argyhoeddi)
'R hwn sy'n gyrru'r mellt i hedeg
  Ac yn rhodio brig y don,
Anfon saethau argoeddiadau
  I galonnau'r oedfa hon:
Agor ddorau hen garcharau,
  Achub bentewynion tân;
Cod yr eiddil gwan i fyny,
  Dysg i'r mudan seinio cân.

Hen agorwr beddau llygredd
  Codwr meirw tyrd ymlaen
Chwyth yn awr yr utgorn arian
  Concra drwy'r Efengyl lân;
Mae thyw nerthoedd yn dy lanw,
  Mae dy Ysbryd fel y tân;
Rhwyga'r dŵr, a llosg y rhwystrau
  Fel y fflamau'n mynd ymlaen.

Llama, Arglwydd, dros y bryniau,
  Doed y dyddiau pur i ben
Pan fo Seion drwy fawr lwyddiant
  Yn ben moliant is y nen:
Enw'r Iesu gaffo'i barchu
  A'i ddyrchafu drwy bob gwlad;
Miloedd ddelo i gofleidio
  Iachawdwriaeth yn y gwaed.
'R hwn sy'n gyrru :: 'Rhwn sy'n gyrru :: 'Rhwn sy'n peri

1: David Saunders 1769-1840
2: D Saunders neu Jane Hughes
3: David Davies 1763-1816

Tonau [8787D]:
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
Mount of Olives (William L Viner 1790-1867)
Eglwys Wen (J Owen Jones 1876-)
Hyfryd Lais (J Owen Jones 1876-1962)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
Tanymarian (E Stephen 1822-85)

  Llama Arglwydd dros y bryniau
  'R hwn sy'n gyrru'r mellt i hedeg

(Prayer for conviction)
He who propels the lightening to fly
  And walks the top of the wave,
Send arrows of convictions
  To the hearts of this service:
Open doors of old prisons,
  Save fire-brands;
Lift the feeble weak up,
  Teach the deaf-mute to sound a song.

Old opener of graves of corruption,
  Raiser of the dead come forth,
Blow now the silver trumpet,
  Conquer through the holy Gospel;
There are some strengths filling thee,
  Thy Spirit is like the fire;
Rend the water, and burn the obstacles
  Like the flames going forward.

Leap, Lord, over the hills,
  May the pure days come to a start
When Zion will be through great success
  At the head of praise above the sky:
May the name of Jesus get its respect
  And be exalted through every land;
Thousands come to embrace
  Salvation in the blood.
He who propels :: He who propels :: He who causes

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

(Commencement of Worship)
He who darts the wingèd lightening,
  Walks upon the foaming wave,
Send forth arrows of conviction
  Here, exert his power to save:
Burst the bars of Satan's prison:
  Snatch the firebrand from the flame,
Fill the doubting with assurance,
  Teach the dumb to sing his name!
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

Tune [8787D]: Mount of Olives (William L Viner 1790-1867)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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